We asked parents and carers to review the information that childcare settings, schools and colleges provide on their provision for children and young people with special educational needs (SEN) and disabilities. This information is in our Family Information Directory under records tagged with the yellow 'Local Offer' symbol.

We had 52 responses by September 2015, see the table:

Feedback on the Local Offer from 2015 and how we responded to it
Your feedback The action we took as a result
Although 75% of parents/carers found the information easily enough, 25% did not find what they were looking for easily. We have improved the filters of the directory to make searching easier. We are continuing to make improvements to the directory. Please *provide feedback* if you can't find what you're looking for and we will improve it further.
Parents wanted more specific information on:
  • specific SEND provision (e.g. for ASD) 
  • transport
  • size of setting/school and classes
  • training of staff 
We have sent the full survey results and recommendations to schools and asked them to refer to these when they review and update their SEN and Disability information. We are also encouraging them to update their record regularly. 
Some parents were doubtful that the information provided on SEND provision was accurate.  We've asked schools to involve parents, young people and their SEN Governor in the review to ensure information provided is correct.
Parents value support by knowledgeable professionals who know their child, but they want this to be impartial. They would appreciate one contact they could rely on.

Dorset's Local Offer includes a summary of local services that provide SEN and disability advice and support.

We are also exploring a 'one point of contact' approach for children's services. 

Give us your feedback

Let us know how we can improve our Local Offer by completing a feedback form. Feedback forms are at the bottom of every page.