Anyone who is under 20 and has left a qualifying course of education between 30 April and 31 October is to be disregarded.

This is often called the 'Student gap disregard’ and allows for the period of time between leaving school and taking up a university type course.

Even if they leave the course early, they will still be eligible for the disregard until the 31 October. It does not matter why they left the course or if they go on to get a job before the 31 October, the disregard still applies.

To apply for or cancel a discount or exemption please contact us.

You will need to provide:

  • your council tax reference
  • your full names
  • your address
  • the discount you wish to apply for, for example single person discount
  • the date you wish to claim the discount from or the date the change in your circumstance is taking place
  • a contact telephone number