Hospital patients

Anyone whose sole or main residence is in a hospital will be disregarded for the purposes of discount. Hospitals can be either civilian or military.

This disregard rests on their actually being a change to a person's sole or main residence.

See connections with Class E exemption.

Patients in homes

Anyone whose sole or main residence is within a care home, nursing home or similar establishment should be disregarded for Council Tax purposes.

The home must be registered with Dorset Council, and would normally include any of the following:

  • hostels - including bail hostels, probation hostels that are used for the provision of personal care required due to old age, disablement, past or present alcohol or drug dependence or mental disorder
  • mental nursing homes
  • nursing homes (registered under the Registered Homes Act 1984)
  • residential care homes

To apply for or cancel a discount or exemption please contact us.

You will need to provide:

  • your council tax reference
  • your full names
  • your address
  • the discount you wish to apply for, for example single person discount
  • the date you wish to claim the discount from or the date the change in your circumstance is taking place
  • a contact telephone number