In a world of decreasing resources and increasing needs, the library service needs its friends. Over half the population use public libraries to borrow books and other materials, find information, assist them in educational courses, use the internet or browse and sit and read.

Friends groups may offer practical help to the library in a variety of ways but it is equally important that we can talk to you about our plans for the future.


The benefits of joining Friends of Dorset Libraries are:

  • admission to friends events
  • the chance to meet Dorset library staff and discuss the service
  • offering your opinion to service development and change


Friends of Dorset activities include:

  • a committee who meet regularly and plan a programme of events
  • helping to publicise and promote the library service
  • holding reading-related events with guest speakers
  • raising money for special projects at their library
  • providing voluntary support when needed for Friends' activities, customer surveys and other library events
  • offering a community response to service development and changes

Join your local friends group

For a small fee per year you can become a friend of your library. We also offer joint membership for 2 people living at the same address.

Contact your local library if you would like to join one of the friends groups.