Details of Northport Greenway and Sika Trail
Start point: Wareham Quay - nearest postcode: BH20 4LP
Alternative start point:  Wareham Railway Station
Distance:  10 miles (16km) or 8 ½ miles (13.6km) if starting and finishing at Wareham Railway Station
Average time needed: 2 hours
Grading:  Easy - Mostly traffic free or off-road
Route leaflet:

Download the Northport Greenway and Sika Trail leaflet for free.

For a copy of the leaflet in large print, please call 01929 557237.

Cycle parking: Cycle parking is found at Wareham Quay (for 4 bikes) and Wareham Railway Station (for 10 bikes)
Relevant Ordnance Survey map:  Explorer Map No.OL15 (Purbeck and South Dorset).
Public transport: Wareham Railway Station(less than 1 mile from Wareham town centre) is on the Weymouth to London Waterloo line.
Car parking: Long stay parking is available at Streche Road and Connegar Lane in Wareham.
Facilities and refreshments:  Wareham has a variety of cafes, pubs and restaurants. The nearest public toilets are found on Wareham Quay.

The Northport Greenway

The Greenway is a circular route at just over 3 miles (4.8km), providing a safe cycling or walking route from Wareham Quay, through the quiet streets of the town, past the Railway Station, through Northmoor Park and onto Wareham Forest, where it then links with the Sika Trail.

The route is signposted out towards Wareham Forest and returning towards Town Centre. Parts of the route have been improved by installing lighting, signage, crossings and surfaces.

The Sika Trail

Wareham Forest fire

There has been a large forest fire in Wareham Forest and some areas of the forest may be closed.

This trail is a circular ride of 7 miles (11.2km) around Wareham Forest. The trail follows tracked routes through the forest and heath. It is generally flat with a couple of slopes and is suitable for families with older children.

Simply follow the blue arrows around the route. The route is linked to The Northport Greenway at its southern point.

The Sika Trail was created by the Forestry Commission. Please be aware that some parts of the Trail might be closed due to forestry works in the forest.

Spending a few days in Dorset? Find somewhere to stay which is cycle friendly.