CIL Examination Hearing

The CIL Examination Virtual Hearing Sessions for the next stage of the CIL Charging Schedule Review due to be held at 9.30am on Tuesday 16 March 2021 and 9.30am on Wednesday 17 March 2021 have been postponed.

The Programme Officer has contacted representors to confirm the postponement of the hearing sessions.

Unfortunately due to a delay in receiving the representations submitted on the consultation on the proposed Main Modifications to the Purbeck Local Plan and associated documents from the Council and the indication from the Council that its response document to these is now unlikely to be finalised until mid-April the Inspector, and Examiner for the CIL Charging Schedule review, is unable to determine as yet whether or not the Local Plan basis for the CIL examination is reasonably stable. Therefore, in the light of this the Inspector considered it necessary to postpone the forthcoming CIL hearings.

Further to the Examiner issuing a Guidance Note for the Examination, an Initial Programme and the Issues and Questions for consideration a final programme for the hearing sessions and a more detailed programme agenda will be issued to representors & updated to this page at a date closer to the future re-scheduled hearings. 

The re-scheduled hearings sessions will be held virtually and recorded to be able to view online the Council has agreed how we will manage personal data and privacy arrangements during this process.  Please see the Data Sharing Agreement signed on behalf of Dorset Council and the Planning Inspectorate and the Planning Inspectorate’s Privacy Notice Amendment for Local Plan Examinations

Programme Officer for the CIL Charging Schedule review

Name: Helen Nolan
Tel: 07773 615820
Full contact details

Community Infrastructure Levy Charging Schedule Consultation on a Statement of Further Modifications

The consultation is now closed

The full responses to the further modifications are now available.

The council submitted the 'Community Infrastructure Levy Charging Schedule and Priorities for Spending, 2019' (the Schedule) for examination in January 2019. At the same time the council consulted on a number of minor changes in a Statement of Modifications which was subsequently submitted to the Examiner with the responses to that consultation.

Additional minor changes are set out in a Statement of Further Modifications (the Statement) reflecting changes in CIL Regulations and addressing new evidence, changes in planning use classes and updates in the draft Purbeck Local Plan (2018-2034) during examination and the Dorset Council CIL Viability Extra Care Addendum.

The council has also published a tracked version of the CIL Draft Charging Schedule showing both sets of proposed modifications and a CIL Draft Charging Schedule incorporating the proposed modifications.

An updated Infrastructure Delivery Plan has been published as part of the consultation on Proposed Main Modifications to the Purbeck Local Plan (2018-2034).

The council will forward all representations on the Statement of Further Modifications and Dorset Council CIL Viability - Extra Care Addendum to the Examiner for consideration and publish them on the website.

Review of CIL Charging Schedule

Minor modifications to the CIL Charging Schedule and responses 

CIL Charging Schedule 2019

Statement of Modifications 2019

Summary of responses to CIL draft charging schedule and priorities for spending

CIL draft charging schedule and priorities for spending (Regulation 123 list)

CIL statement of representations

CIL summary of responses to preliminary schedule

Preliminary Draft Community Infrastructure Levy Charging Schedule

SD28 - Infrastructure Delivery Plan Submission 2019

SD31 - Purbeck District Partial Review of Purbeck Local Plan Part 1 and revised Community Infrastructure Levy Economic Viability Assessment - April 2016

SD32 -  Purbeck District Partial Review of Purbeck Local Plan Part 1 and revised Community Infrastructure Levy Economic Viability Assessment Appendices - April 2016

SD33 - Viability Update and Sensitivity Testing Addendum - November 2017

SD34 - Viability Update and Sensitivity Testing Addendum Appendices - November 2017

SD35 - Viability Report update 2018 part 1 - report plus appendices I, IIa, IIb

SD36 - Viability Report update 2018 part 2 - appendices I, IIc

SD37 - Viability Report update 2018 part 3 - appendix III and co star extracts

SD117 - Key Viability Issues Summary August 2019  

SD97 - Summary of key stakeholders issued raised regarding viability of the Local Plan and its policies

Planning Policy

Name: Planning policy team
Name: Dorchester office
Tel: 01305 838334
Full contact details