The Motcombe Neighbourhood Plan 2017 to 2027 was adopted (made) by Dorset Council on 10 December 2019.

Following a majority 'yes' vote in the referendum, the decision was taken to make the Motcombe Neighbourhood Plan 2017 to 2027 part of the development plan for the Motcombe neighbourhood area. 

The decision statement and the 'made' Motcombe Neighbourhood Plan 2017 to 2027 are available online and can be inspected 8.30am to 5pm Monday to Thursday and 8.30am to 4.30pm on Friday at:

Dorset Council
County Hall
Colliton Park


A referendum held on 7 November 2019 asked residents of Motcombe: "Do you want Dorset Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan for Motcombe to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?" 292 voted in favour and 74 against. Full results of the referendum.

Documents relating to the referendum:

Plan examination

The submitted plan, supporting documents, and all representations received during the 6-week consultation period were sent to an Independent Examiner (Mr David Kaiserman BA DipTP MRTPI). He concluded that provided the recommended modifications are made, the plan would meet the basic conditions. He therefore recommends that the plan, as modified, should proceed to referendum.

Consultation on the Submitted Plan

As the local planning authority, Dorset Council was required to consult on the plan proposals before the examination takes place. This consultation took place for six weeks from Friday 12 April to Friday 24 May 2019. The responses received during this period are below.

Representations received to the submission draft Motcombe Neighbourhood Plan

Responses Table
 Document Reference  Response
 MOT01  Ian Bailey
 MOT02  Highways Agency
 MOT03  Cranborne Chase AONB
 MOT04  Gillian Blows
 MOT05  Christopher Blows
 MOT06  Sarah Lloyd
 MOT07  Markus Lloyd
 MOT08  Jacqueline Collis
 MOT09  Nigel Collis
 MOT10  Edward Coney
 MOT11  Diane Coney
 MOT12  Andrew Prosser
 MOT13  Susan Prosser
 MOT14  Alastair Nye
 MOT15  Wyatt Homes
 MOT16  Mr & Mrs Jobling
 MOT17  Victoria Madel
 MOT18  Chris Madel
 MOT19  Neal Hutchinson
 MOT20  Kay Hutchinson
 MOT21  Charles Hutchinson
 MOT22  John Heenan
 MOT23  Karen Harvey
 MOT24  Emma French
 MOT25  David French
 MOT26  Richard Barford
 MOT27  Christine Barford
 MOT28  Muriel Walters
 MOT29  Amanda Lucas
 MOT30  Samuel Lucas
 MOT31  Harriet Lucas
 MOT32  Christopher Percival
 MOT33  Leslie Turner
 MOT34  Kim Christopher
 MOT35  Eric Powell
 MOT36  Sylvia Curbishley
 MOT37  Susan Curbishley
 MOT38  Lynn Stoneham
 MOT39  Doreen Stoneham
 MOT40  Stanley Wilson
 MOT41  Christine Wilson
 MOT42  Alannah Carey Bates
 MOT43  Simon Whelan
 MOT44  Ann Bayfield
 MOT45  Alan Bayfield
 MOT46  Janice Heyes
 MOT47  Edward Hunter
 MOT48  Eloise Collis Hunter
 MOT49  Ian Bailey
 MOT50  Jane Bailey
 MOT51  Rupert Lawson-Tancred
 MOT52  Caroline Clark
 MOT53  Mr & Mrs Hurd
 MOT54  Alan Cluett
 MOT55  Helen Cluett
 MOT56  Freddie Hutchinson
 MOT57  Dorset Council
MOT58  Symonds & Sampson LLP

Dorset Council received a late submission from Symonds & Sampson LLP (MOT58) which the Examiner has accepted and can be found in the table above.

Submission Documents

Supporting Evidence

Other Background Documents

Also referenced (but not available online):

  • A Motcombe Miscellany by Laurence Clark (Hobnob Press, 2012)