Information about the sustainability appraisal and others assessments that will be integrated into the plan.

The Development Plan Document (DPD) will benefit from a sustainability appraisal, equalities impact assessment and habitat regulation assessment. These assessments will all be fully integrated into the plan preparation stages and will assess all the impacts of the proposals.

At this stage of the preparation of the Gypsy and Traveller plan for Dorset, a Sustainability appraisal statement has been prepared. This statement reports on how sustainability has been integrated into the shortlist of Gypsy and Traveller sites in Dorset. This has included making sure the criteria used in selecting the sites are compatible with environmental and social sustainability.

The Habitats regulations assessment screening report is now available for comment.

This Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) screening report has been prepared to help identify whether the Gypsy and Traveller Sites Allocations document will impact on internationally designated nature conservation sites in and around Dorset.

This type of assessment is required under the European Habitats Directive. The purpose is to ensure the protection of our valued natural habitats. Screening the plan as it is prepared allows potential adverse effects to be avoided or mitigated against, for instance in the choice of sites and the policies of the plan.

Sustainability appraisal scoping report