Masterplan reports have been produced as part of the evidence to support development of Core Strategy draft policies and specifically the housing options proposed in East Dorset. They help to explain why certain areas have and have not been put forward as draft policies for new neighbourhoods.

East Dorset District Council appointed consultants Broadway Malyan to identify reasonable options for new neighbourhoods to existing settlements within the District. The masterplans, for sites in and around the settlements of Wimborne Minster, Corfe Mullen, Ferndown and West Parley and Verwood will help support and provide an evidence base for the emerging  Core Strategy.

As part of the work to produce the Core Strategy, the document that will set the broad development strategy for Christchurch and East Dorset over the next 15 years, we need to explore what the potential capacity of these locations is and how they could help create high quality, sustainable developments that are fully integrated into the local character and townscape pattern without having a detrimental impact on the surrounding countryside. The work undertaken is split in to two stages.

East Dorset Housing Options Masterplan Report - Stage 1

Two separate documents have been produced, one that covers Corfe Mullen, Ferndown and West Parley, Wimborne Minster and a second that covers Verwood. In addition to these, a further stage 1 report has been produced, which assesses two additional sites in Verwood and Longham received during the  Core Strategy Options for Consideration public consultation that was undertaken between October 2010 and January 2011.

The reports can be downloaded from the lists below:

East Dorset Housing Options Masterplan Report for Wimborne Minster, Corfe Mullen, Ferndown and West Parley

East Dorset Housing Options Masterplan Report for Verwood

East Dorset New Neighbourhoods Masterplan Report - Additional Sites

East Dorset New Neighbourhoods - Stage 2 and Viability Report

Masterplan Report

The Stage 2 report builds on the findings of the Stage 1 East Dorset Housing Options Masterplan Reports and prepares detailed masterplans for the sites previously identified in Corfe Mullen, Ferndown, West Parley, West Moors and Verwood and prepares masterplans for them to help demonstrate the type of developments that the council should be seeking. The document is available in two sections:

Viability Report

Accompanying the Stage 2 masterplan report is a viability assessment of the proposed new neighbourhoods. The object of the report is to provide a high level financial assessment of each site including its ability the bear certain enabling costs, allowance for the emerging Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) and the provision on affordable housing.

A separate masterplan report has also been produced for Christchurch's proposed urban extension.

If you would like further details on these reports or the Core Strategy generally, please use the contact details below.

Planning Policy - East Dorset area

Full contact details