Following a 'yes' vote in the referendum on 11 December 2014, West Dorset District Council officially 'made' the Cerne Valley Neighbourhood Plan on 8 January 2015. This is the first Neighbourhood Plan in Dorset to be completed.

West Dorset District Council has taken the decision to make the Cerne Valley Neighbourhood Plan (as modified in accordance with the Examiner's recommendations) part of the development plan for the Cerne Valley neighbourhood area. The Report to Council and the Decision Statement are also available.

Referendum result

The result saw votes cast in favour of YES were 301 and those cast in favour of NO were 26.

Those entitled to vote in the referendum must have lived in the area (the parishes of Cerne Abbas, Godmanstone, Nether Cerne and Upcerne), were on the electoral register to vote in local council elections and were 18 years of age or over on 11 December 2014.

If no other issues come to light, the plan will then be confirmed at the next Full Council meeting in January and used to make decisions on planning applications.

Neighbourhood Plan Examination

Deborah McCann, the appointed Independent Examiner of the Cerne Valley Neighbourhood Plan, produced her report on the Cerne Valley Neighbourhood plan. She confirmed that she is satisfied that the plan meets the basic conditions and has recommended that it proceeds to referendum subject to some modifications.

West Dorset District Council has considered the examiner's report and is satisfied with the recommendations. The council has issued its decision statement. The plan as modified proceeded to local referendum which took place on 11 December.

Relevant documents about the plan and referendum

The local community have also set up their own website. Additional information can be be viewed on the Cerne Valley Neighbourhood Plan website.

Strategic Policy (West Dorset)

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