The government introduced changes to the planning system with the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004. As a result the Borough of Christchurch Local Plan will be replaced by a Local Development Framework (LDF).

We are currently producing the LDF which will be made up of a number of different planning policy documents, known as local development documents (LDD). These will consider a variety of planning issues, combining to set out the council's policies for the future development of the borough.

The main priorities are currently the production of:

The council has also published its Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) which sets out how the public and stakeholders will be involved in the LDF and on planning applications. An Annual Monitoring Report (AMR) is published in December each year and reviews the performance of policies in the  Christchurch Local Plan (2001), as well as monitoring key performance indicators.

Partnership working

The council's planning policy team prides itself on working in partnership with others. Work on the Local Development Framework is being carried out in partnership with East Dorset District Council, and the Core Strategy and Site Specific Allocations DPD will be joint documents. The Gypsy & Traveller Sites DPD is a Dorset-wide document.

Evidence gathering

The team has already completed a number of significant studies to inform the evidence base for the LDF. These include:

Stay informed

Some important decisions have to be made about what Christchurch will be like in the period up to 2026, and the council needs as many people as possible to be involved in planning the future of the area.  The  LDF interest reply form provides you with an opportunity to get involved and to let us know how you prefer to be contacted.