This hidden heathland is found on the edge of The Woodlands housing estate in Sandford, near Wareham.

Sandford Heath
Nearest town: Wareham
Grid reference: SY 940 905
Nearest postcode: BH20 7QJ
Nearest bus stop: Outside Heath Cottages on the Sandford Road (bus numbers 40 or X54). Check bus timetables online.
Nearest train station: Holton Heath
Parking: Parking is available off of Woodlands Drive and on the side roads of The Woodlands housing estate.
How to get there:

Sandford Heath is found adjacent to the A351 at Sandford, near Wareham. Traveline South West can help plan your journey.

Accessibility: There a number of footpaths which run through and on the edge of the heath. There is a gate at the western corner of the heath adjacent to the A351. Download the Sandford Heath map which shows access points and footpaths.
Dogs allowed? Yes, but they should be kept on a lead due to the wildlife interest of the site. There is a dog waste bin located at the entrance off of the A351, near the roundabout.
Habitats: Heath, woodland and a lily pond.
Site designations: Sites of Special Scientific Interest and National Nature Reserve
Owner: Partly owned by Dorset Council
Other things to do in the area:

Poole Harbour Trails - Route 4, Northport Greenway and Woodlark TrailMorden Bog.

Managed by:

Natural England

Natural England

Name: Natural England
Name: Natural England
Tel: 0300 060 3900
Full contact details