This year, the government has allowed councils, who are responsible for providing Adult Social Care, to increase their council tax by up to 6%. Dorset County Council has chosen to increase their precept by 2.989% (rounded to 3%) for general expenditure and by 3% which is specifically for Adult Social Care services.

These percentage increases are shown on the 2018-2019 Council Tax bills.

The government introduced legislation and guidance setting out how the Adult Social Care precept is calculated and shown on Council Tax bills. This has been followed when producing the Council Tax bills for 2018-2019.

Percentage increases shown on your bill

The figures relating to general expenditure and the Adult Social Care precept are each accompanied by a percentage increase figure. The percentages show how each element contributes to the overall increase set by Dorset County Council.

The percentage increase for the Dorset County Council element is calculated on the combined total of the Dorset County Council and Adult Social Care charges from last year's bill and is an increase of 2.989% (3% rounded).

The percentage increase for the Adult Social Care element is calculated on the combined total of the Dorset County Council and Adult Social Care charges from last year's bill and is an increase of 3%.

While we understand this looks different to how other percentage increases are displayed, the bills have been calculated correctly, in accordance with regulations and guidance, and should be paid as requested.

Council Tax example - band D property

The following example shows how the Adult Social Care precept has been calculated for 2018-2019 based on a Band D property.

 - 2017-2018 Bill


2018-2019 Bill
Percentage %
Dorset County Council 1,264.65 1,304.31 3.0% (rounded)
Adult Social Care Precept 62.22 102.03 3.0%
Dorset County Council Combined Total 1,326.87 1,406.34 5.99%

The Adult Social Care increase shown above for 2018-19 is calculated based on the total Dorset County Council Combined Total charge for 2017-2018 (in this example, £1326.87).

The Adult Social Care precept increase is calculated as follows:

£1,326.87 x 3% = £39.81

This amount is then added to the 2017-2018 Adult Social Care precept of £62.22 as this is a cumulative charge:

£62.22 (last year's Adult Social Care charge) + £39.81 (this year's increase) = £102.03 (2018-2019 Adult Social Care Precept).

More information about Dorset County Council’s spending plans for 2018-2019 is available.

If you experience any difficulty in paying your council tax, contact us.