Age range

4 to 9 years (Reception to Year 4)


Copper Base can accommodate up to 10 pupils and is staffed by 3 Teaching Assistants and 1 Specialist Teacher.

Core offer

The core offer includes:

  • Copper Base has a dedicated classroom, which includes individual workstations
  • visual strategies and resources are used to support communication
  • bespoke package for each pupil, including an individualised curriculum and a flexible approach to time in mainstream lessons and activities
  • equipment and interventions for sensory needs, with a focus on developing self-regulation skills. This includes access to a sensory room.
  • the Dorset Steps approach is used

Links with mainstream

All pupils spend mornings in Copper Base and are expected to gradually increase the time they spend in mainstream, depending on what they are able to manage. Where appropriate, pupils are included in whole school activities.

Access to outside professionals

All pupils have individualised Speech and Language Therapy and Occupational Therapy programmes.  

Transitions and supporting independence

New starters are supported with a detailed transition plan, which includes consideration of their previous experiences of school. New pupils’ interests are incorporated into visits to Copper Base. Visiting pupils are also encouraged to take photos of Copper Base, to look at, at home.

When pupils move on from Copper Base, they are supported to visit future provisions and staff ensure that important information is passed on.

Visit the Copper Base website