Age range

9 - 13 years (Year 5 to Year 8).


Chameleon HQ can accommodate up to 10 pupils, who are supported by 4 teaching assistants and one teacher.

Core offer

The core offer includes:

  • bespoke package for each pupil, including an individualised curriculum, tailored to each pupil’s individual needs
  • aim for children to be in mainstream classes 80% of the time
  • afternoons have a therapeutic focus, including work on social skills and emotional understanding and regulation
  • Chameleon HQ has a main classroom area, sensory room, exercise area, break-out spaces, dedicated outside area and a ‘chill-out space

Links with mainstream

Chameleon HQ has a flexible approach to including pupils in the mainstream school, depending on individual abilities and needs. Pupils are supported by a member of Chameleon HQ staff when they spend time in mainstream classes and this will start in the classes they feel most comfortable with. Pupils are also supported to join their mainstream peers at lunch and break times.

Access to outside professionals

Chameleon HQ staff work closely with a range of professionals, including an Educational Psychologist, Specialist Teacher and Speech and Language Therapist.

Transitions and supporting independence

Potential new pupils are provided with a booklet about the setting and visited in their current setting by staff from Chameleon HQ. Key information is gathered through conversations with parents and those who know the child well, in addition to ensuring that relevant documents are shared.

New pupils are also invited to visit Chameleon HQ on multiple occasions, with support and on their own if a place is agreed upon. Staff also send postcards to pupils to support the early development of positive relationships.

When pupils move on from Chameleon HQ, they are supported to visit future provisions, with their parents and staff ensure that important information is passed on, including what works well and what speech, language and communication support is needed.

Chameleon HQ staff carry out follow-up work with the pupil after they have visited a potential new setting and will support the transition process by encouraging conversations about the move, using social stories and/or comic strip conversations, arranging a farewell party and maintaining an open-door policy for families, even after the pupil has left.

Visit the Chameleon HQ website