A funeral can usually only take place after you register the death. Most people use a funeral director but you can arrange a funeral yourself if you wish.

Non-religious funerals 

A non-religious funeral (also known as a civil funeral) may be held anywhere except for religious buildings and churches. Cremation or burial is in a non-religious burial ground.

The British Humanist Association and Institute of Civil Funerals can help with non-religious funerals.

Funeral directors

Choose a funeral director who's a member of either:

These organisations have codes of practice and they must give you a price list when asked.

Arranging the funeral yourself

You can arrange a funeral without a funeral director. The Weymouth and Portland Bereavement Service can offer advice on this. There is information about arranging a funeral yourself on The Natural Death Centre website.

Help paying for a funeral

You could get a Funeral Expenses Payment if you get certain benefits and need help to pay for a funeral you're arranging.