You can also download a handy leaflet that shows you what stuff goes in which bin.

With kerbside collections now available across Dorset, residents are recycling more of their waste, which is great news. But now we are turning our attention to making sure everyone continues to use the service properly through the 'Right stuff, right bin' awareness campaign.

We will continue to encourage residents to cut down on waste by reducing and reusing materials, as well as buying the right amount of food so it isn't thrown away. But this campaign has a simple message; please make sure you put the right stuff in the right bin.

But why?

Problems occur when recycling bins include items which they are not supposed to, such as nappies mixed with paper or rubbish mixed with food.

  • recycling materials can be spoiled and sent to be treated or incinerated
  • the quality of the materials can be affected, making it harder to process
  • the sorting process can be dramatically slowed down
  • equipment used for sorting items can be damaged.

All of these issues create further problems for the environment and cost the taxpayer money. 

If we all put the right stuff in the right bin, we could save up to £1million per year for the essential public services that really matter to Dorset residents.

How can I find out more?

Find out exactly what stuff goes in which bin

Food waste - why shouldn't it go in the rubbish bin?

Recycling food waste by putting it in your food waste bin rather than your rubbish bin is better for the environment and saves money.

Food waste harms the environment. It wastes the energy, fuel and water that went into producing it.

Rubbish mixed with food waste is more expensive to process.

Food waste that goes into the correct bin is recycled and turned into energy.  Of course, if you home compost some of your food waste then we encourage you to carry on!

Glass - can it go in with my paper and plastic recycling?

No. Glass mixed with paper and plastic recycling can ruin entire batches of recyclable materials and damage sorting equipment. Glass should only be placed in the box for glass or taken to a household recycling centre or bottle bank.