Services provided

Information collected from parent/carers of a child who is disabled to compile the register of disabled children in Dorset as required under the Children’s Act 1989.

Publication of information and services available for families with disabled children and professionals, as well as organisations working with them through a website, newsletters and social media.

Provision of a Dorset Max Card for the child or children of each member and a Dorset Carers Card for the parent or carer.

Personal data we need from you

Parents and carers

The personal data we need to register your child. This includes personal details about yourself, your circumstances and your child’s impairment, needs and support.

Organisations providing services to SEND families

The data we need from you to provide your service. This includes details of your organisation, the services on offer and full contact details.

Who will be using your personal information

The personal details we collect on our application may be shared with staff working within Dorset Council's Children’s Services. If you give consent some contact details may be shared with Carers Support Dorset or Dorset Parent Carer Council. 

General statistical information (but not personal details) based on applications for membership may be shared with other bodies such as local authorities and the NHS, where it is useful for statistical and planning purposes.

If you are a provider of services then appropriate service details and contact information will be made available publicly and individually for the benefit of those who need it.

The Data Controller is Dorset Council.

Dorset Council may use an additional external information technology provider if necessary or appropriate (for example, Servelec for social care) to process your data (a data processor) for these and related activities.

What your information will be used for

If you are a parent or carer registering your child, the information will be used to help us to comply with our obligations under Schedule 2 of the Children’s Act 1989 and in particular to:

  • identify children in need in Dorset area and provide information about services
  • to maintain a register of disabled children
  • provide services for disabled children which minimise the effect of their disabilities and gives them the opportunity to lead lives as normal as possible

It will also help us to plan, co-ordinate and create opportunities and services for your benefit. If you give consent to be contacted then your application details will be passed to an appropriate officer within Dorset Council to discuss your situation with you

If you are a provider of services then the information you provide will be used to help families benefit from your services.

The lawful or legal basis for requesting and using your information

Under General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) our lawful basis as a public authority is covered by articles:

  • 6.1.e: we have a public interest duty to provide a service that covers the collection of personal data
  • 9.2.h: we may collect special category data for the management of social care information systems or services

Which other organisations we may share your data with

We won't share your personal data with any other organisations without your consent. If you are a provider then we will publish general information (not personal) about your service through our Family Information Directory. The Xchange website, newsletters, flyers, social media and other communication channels as appropriate to inform families about your services and how to contact you.

How long we will keep your data

We will keep your personal application details no longer than approximately 6 months after your registered child becomes 18 years of age.

If you are a provider then your data will be kept for up to 12 months after your service closes or when you tell us you no longer want us to promote your service.

Our use of your data will be subject to your legal rights as per the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO).

Find more information about privacy law, our obligations and your rights from the ICO.

Contact us if you have concerns over the way we're asking for or using your personal data:

If you still have concerns following our response you have the right to raise the matter with the Information Commissioner's Office.