Book lists

To search the reading group book list by any keyword use the Ctrl + F buttons together and type your keyword in the search box. These are the lists of book titles:

If you require the reading lists in a different accessible format, please contact us.

We welcome library stock suggestions online. Purchases are subject to the Collection Development Policy and budget considerations.

How to order your books

Follow these steps to order books for your reading group or book club:

  1. Nominate a member of your group as the library contact and register for your reading group card.
  2. Read the booking conditions.
  3. Order your books online or print out a paper form fill it in and hand it in at your local library.
  4. The library will get in touch with your designated reading group contact when the books have arrived.

Order books for your group

By pre-ordering your books you are agreeing to the booking conditions which include a £50 annual subscription payable when you collect your first set of pre-ordered books for the year.

Suggest a book you'd like us to stock

We welcome library stock suggestions; purchases are subject to the collection development policy and budget.