A study of the transport impacts has been undertaken for North Dorset District Council and the northern area of East Dorset District Council. The report provides evidence to support the emerging Christchurch and East Dorset Core Strategy.

A summary of the study is contained within the Dorset Rural Transport Studies Overview document.  Among the recommendations contained in the document is one to assess the feasibility of providing a network of community travel exchange centres in village communities.

The study assesses the impact of proposed future development in the study area on the rural road network, considering both technical and environmental capacities:

  • Technical Capacity - the vehicle carrying capacity of the roads in the study area
  • Environmental Capacity - captures the wider impact of traffic on Dorset's sensitive environment both in terms of existing residents and local habitats

Planning Policy - East Dorset area

Email: planningpolicy@dorsetcouncil.gov.uk
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