The council undertakes the management of design approval, construction planning, site inspection, enforcement and adoption of new streets built by developers across the rural county area.

New streets are created on residential, commercial and industrial developments with over two hundred sites across rural Dorset currently at varying stages of completion.

Section 38 of the Highways Act 1980 gives local authorities the power to enter into agreements with developers to adopt highways for future maintenance, provided they are laid out and constructed to the council's specification.

The council recovers the cost of inspecting the work and preparing the agreements. The extra over cost of maintaining aesthetic features, not essential for highway purposes, will be recovered from the developer in the form of a commuted sum.

Adoption agreements

The council is responsible for keeping an accurate record of adopted roads, issuing formal adoption notices and also maintaining a digital record of Section 38 and 278 Agreements. 

Contact us

For further information about Highway Adoptions, please contact the Highway Development team below.